let us discover permanent peace and happiness

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Eastern Wisdom declares four steps to succeed in any practice -Listen and learn from a teacher the principles -Contemplate for conviction and clarity and reflect for freedom from doubts. -Practice...
mostra más-Listen and learn from a teacher the principles
-Contemplate for conviction and clarity and reflect for freedom from doubts.
-Practice regularly with wisdom- know from teacher, how many times, when and where
-Experience the change – give feedback to the teacher for progress and perfection
Every Episode in this show is unique because it deals with suffering, cause of suffering, way to end the suffering and awakening
Select the title of the series and start the journey
Ideal Practitioner: anyone aspires for inner peace and happiness can do the practice.
Pl note that we have kept the unedited version for originality
Your feedback is welcome
Girish Jha
Disclaimer: please read disclaimer before practice at www.girishjha.org
Note: to know more about Eastern Wisdom which is 6000 years old knowledge with 3000 teachers and texts. Every Talk, and Practice is given by the mentor based on the principles and practices.
Send your comments at info@girishjha.org
Mindfulness GirishJha LetusBeInPeace IAmpeace EasternWisdom Meditation4You girishjha.org info@girishjha.org
Autor | Girish Jha, Coach & Mentor |
Organización | Girish Jha, MS -Eastern Wisdom |
Página web | - |
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