Levítico 21 y 22: Valorando lo sagrado

2 de jun. de 2022 · 6m 59s
Levítico 21 y 22: Valorando lo sagrado

Notas en Español e inglés 👇 Levítico 21 y 22: Valorando lo sagrado Levítico 21:1-5 Levítico 22:2-3 -------------------------- El capítulo 21 y 22 son parte del mismo tema de las...

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Notas en Español e inglés 👇

Levítico 21 y 22: Valorando lo sagrado
Levítico 21:1-5
Levítico 22:2-3


El capítulo 21 y 22 son parte del mismo tema de las leyes estrictas para los sacerdotes, acerca de las cosas de las cuales debían guardarse para no contaminarse cuando estuvieran en tiempo de su servicio al Señor y también en su vida cotidiana.
Por ser descendientes de la tribu de Leví y, especialmente, los descendientes de Aarón, debían seguir unas normas más exigentes que el resto del pueblo, pues ellos eran los que estaban encargados de presentar las ofrendas al Señor.

Debo aclarar que muchas corrientes y sectas “religiosas” han tratado de usar estos reglamentos y los han tomado de forma literal, imponiéndolos como requisitos a sus líderes y ministros de sus denominaciones. Por ejemplo, una secta religiosa no permite que sus pastores tengan algún defecto físico, usando el capítulo 21 como referencia, lo cual contradice las enseñanzas del Señor, que nunca puso límites a sus discípulos, líderes y ministros.
Lo que debemos aplicar no es el texto literal, pues no somos levitas, ni hijos de Aarón. Lo que sí debemos aprender es el propósito de estas leyes.
El principal propósito de los sacerdotes es de que se guardaran puros para Dios, que supieran y recordaran a diario que ellos eran consagrados, o sea, separados para una misión importante, designados por Dios como sacerdotes del Dios viviente, según el orden de la ley de Moisés.
Es por eso que no debían hacerse marcas en el cuerpo, pues esa era la forma de muchos pueblos paganos para adorar a sus dioses o rendir honor a los muertos. El cuerpo del sacerdote pertenece a Dios y no deben herirlo o marcarlo con símbolos o marcas que representan honor a alguien más excepto al Señor.
Nosotros debemos tener una consagración similar. No practiquemos el pecado de la fornicación. El apóstol Pablo nos enseña que este es el único pecado que atenta contra el cuerpo. La promiscuidad marca el cuerpo y también el alma, destruyendo la dignidad del hombre y la mujer, perdiendo el verdadero valor de las relaciones de intimidad física, que es una conexión espiritual entre dos almas. Es por eso que es honroso el matrimonio, el compromiso de dos personas para unirse en cuerpo y alma, superando las diferencias que continuamente tienen que confrontar y resolver, para que nada ni nadie los separe y mantener esa unidad, similar a la de Dios con sus sacerdotes.
Recuerda las cosas que nosotros los gentiles solo debemos mantener de la ley de Moisés, lo dice en Hechos 15:19-21: “Por lo cual yo juzgo que no hay que inquietar a los gentiles que se convierten a Dios, sino que se les escriba que se aparten de las contaminaciones de los ídolos, de inmoralidad sexual, de lo estrangulado y de sangre. Porque desde tiempos antiguos Moisés tiene en cada ciudad quienes le prediquen en las sinagogas, donde es leído cada sábado.”

También debían honrar al Señor respetando las cosas que eran dedicadas al Señor como lo dice el capítulo 22.
Los fariseos, saduceos y otras sectas del judaísmo terminaron perdiendo el verdadero sentido de la fe y se convirtieron en líderes con hambre de posición y poder, utilizaban sus posiciones de líderes religiosos y espirituales para manipular, abusar y mantener al pueblo lejos de la verdad.
Es por eso que, cuando Jesucristo vino como un Maestro que acercaba a la gente a Dios, ellos sintieron celos y buscaron la muerte de Jesús usando la ley de Moisés. Jesús usó la ley para mostrar la misericordia y el camino a la salvación.
Es por eso que Jesucristo no busca gente que se jacte de su propia justicia y piedad, sino que busca verdaderos adoradores que le adoren en espíritu y verdad.
Acércate como un sacerdote del Señor, guardándote de impurezas que contaminan tu alma, y más bien valora las acciones divinas que tenemos para acercarnos continuamente a Dios: La oración, el ayuno, la alabanza y adoración por medio de oraciones y canciones. ¡Valoremos Su presencia y su Espíritu Santo que se mueve en medio nuestro! ¡Valoremos la bendición de congregarnos para exaltar al Señor! ¡Valoremos su santo Nombre santo, en el cual hay perdón de pecados, sanidad de toda dolencia y autoridad sobre espíritus malos para reprenderlos y expulsarlos de nuestro hogar!

Soy tu amigo y hermano Eduardo Rodríguez. Que el Señor te unja con su santo Espíritu y que tu hogar sea un lugar sin contaminación.

Leviticus 21 and 22: Valuing the sacred

Leviticus 21:1-5: And the Lord said to Moses, “Speak to the priests, the sons of Aaron, and say to them: ‘None shall defile himself for the dead among his people, except for his relatives who are nearest to him: his mother, his father, his son, his daughter, and his brother; also his virgin sister who is near to him, who has had no husband, for her he may defile himself. Otherwise he shall not defile himself, being a chief man among his people, to profane himself.
‘They shall not make any bald place on their heads, nor shall they shave the edges of their beards nor make any cuttings in their flesh.

Leviticus 22:2-3: “Speak to Aaron and his sons, that they separate themselves from the holy things of the children of Israel, and that they do not profane My holy name by what they dedicate to Me: I am the Lord. Say to them: ‘Whoever of all your descendants throughout your generations, who goes near the holy things which the children of Israel dedicate to the Lord, while he has uncleanness upon him, that person shall be cut off from My presence: I am the Lord.

Chapter 21 and 22 are part of the same theme of the strict laws for the priests, about the things that they had to guard against contamination when they were in the time of their service to the Lord and also in their daily life.
Being descendants of the tribe of Levi and, especially, the descendants of Aaron, they had to follow more demanding regulations than the rest of the people, since they were the ones in charge of presenting the offerings to the Lord.

I must clarify that many “religious” currents and sects have tried to use these regulations and have taken them literally, imposing them as requirements on their leaders and ministers of their denominations. For example, a religious sect does not allow its pastors to have any physical defect, using chapter 21 as a reference, which contradicts the teachings of the Lord, who never placed limits on His disciples, leaders and ministers.
What we must apply is not the literal text, since we are not Levites, nor children of Aaron. What we do need to learn is the purpose of these laws.
The main purpose of the priests is to keep themselves pure for God, to know and remember daily that they were consecrated, that is, set apart for an important mission, appointed by God as living priests of God, according to the order of the law of Moses.
That is why marks should not be made on the body, as it was the way of many pagan peoples to worship their gods or honor the dead. The priest's body belongs to God and they should not injure it or mark it with symbols or marks that represent honor to anyone other than the Lord.
We must have a similar consecration. Let us not practice the sin of fornication. The apostle Paul teaches us that this is the only sin that attacks the body. Promiscuity marks the body and also the soul, destroying the dignity of man and woman, losing the true value of relationships of physical intimacy, which is a spiritual connection between two souls. That is why marriage is honorable, the commitment of two people to unite body and soul, overcoming the differences that they continually have to confront and resolve, so that nothing and no one separates them and maintain that unity, similar to that of God with His priests.
Remember the things that we Gentiles should only keep from the law of Moses, it says in Acts 15:19-21: “Therefore I judge that we should not trouble those from among the Gentiles who are turning to God, but that we write to them to abstain from things polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from things strangled, and from blood. For Moses has had throughout many generations those who preach him in every city, being read in the synagogues every Sabbath.”

They also had to honor the Lord by respecting the things that were dedicated to the Lord as chapter 22 says.
The Pharisees, Sadducees and other sects of Judaism ended up losing the true sense of faith and became leaders hungry for position and power, they used their positions as religious and spiritual leaders to manipulate, abuse and keep the people away from the truth.
That is why, when Jesus Christ came as a Teacher who brought people closer to God, they became jealous and sought the death of Jesus using the law of Moses. Jesus used the law to show mercy and the way to salvation.
That is why Jesus Christ is not looking for people who boast of their own righteousness and piety, but rather is looking for true worshipers who will worship Him in spirit and truth.
Approach as a priest of the Lord, keeping yourself from impurities that contaminate your soul, and rather value the divine actions that we have to continuously approach God: prayer, fasting, praise and worship through prayers and songs. Let us value His presence and His Holy Spirit that moves in our midst! Let us value the blessing of coming together to exalt the Lord! Let us value His holy Name, in which there is forgiveness of sins, healing of all diseases and authority over evil spirits to rebuke them and expel them from our home!

I am your friend and brother Eduardo Rodríguez. May the Lord anoint you with His Holy Spirit and may your home be a place without contamination.

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