Listen without Judgement Angel Kangalee show_11986091_2021_09_13_23_30_47

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"In the begining was the word, and the word was with God, and the word is God." "Depending upon how it is used, the word can set you free, or...
mostra más"A Date with Destiny” is designed to help motivate, inspire and EMPOWER you to live your life in the highest context of love, peace and joy! It will help you to take a closer look within yourself and discover the great, “I AM” that dwells there. It will help you to have a better understanding of the Laws of the Universe-“God’s Laws,” and how it was designed just for YOU to have all you could ever want.
Tune in as we discuss how important it is to be more gentle with our words in regards to our selves and towards others. 2020/21 has brought about myriad of change for most of us. Some good, some not so good, It has made us take a deeper look into ourselves and those around us. One of the things I took away from it all comes from the book: The Four agreements; Be impeccable with my words.
Take a listen.
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Autor | Lisa M. Saunders |
Organización | Lisa Saunders |
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