"Living Under Christ Control" Online Retreat: Opening Session with David, Jason, and Michael

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http://livingmiracles.org/events Come under Christ control with David, Jason, and Michael, who host this opening session of the March "Awakening from the Dream" online retreat! "When you have learned how to...
mostra másCome under Christ control with David, Jason, and Michael, who host this opening session of the March "Awakening from the Dream" online retreat! "When you have learned how to decide with God, all decisions become as easy and as right as breathing." ~ A Course in Miracles, T-14.IV.6:1
Svava performs two songs she received from Jesus: "Bring It Back" and "Leave It All to Me."
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Recorded on March 1, 2019, at Living Miracles Metaphysical Center in Kamas, Utah, USA
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