"Living Under Christ Control" Online Retreat: Second Session with David Hoffmeister

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http://livingmiracles.org/events Return to the glorious awareness of having no limits, of being a perfect creation of an all-loving God, with David Hoffmeister who hosts the second session of the March...
mostra másReturn to the glorious awareness of having no limits, of being a perfect creation of an all-loving God, with David Hoffmeister who hosts the second session of the March "Awakening from the Dream" online retreat, "Living Under Christ Control." "Where sin once was perceived will rise a world that will become an altar to the truth, and you will join the lights of Heaven there, and sing their song of gratitude and praise." T-26.IV.5.
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Recorded on March 2, 2019, at the Living Miracles Metaphysical Center in Kamas, Utah, USA.
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