Local Government, Federal Relations, Intergovernmental Affairs, and Women in Emergency Management titled Session

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Irene discusses local governmental affairs with President of Simon and Company, Jen Covino. Guest Bio Jen Covino is the President of Simon and Company, Inc. In that role, Jen provides...
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Jen Covino is the President of Simon and Company, Inc. In that role, Jen provides strategic guidance to local elected officials and public administrators as they develop and implement federal affairs agendas. She serves as a liaison to the Administration and Congress on behalf of the municipal interests she represents. Jen oversees legislative advocacy, regulatory analysis, the federal grant application process, and coalition-building efforts. She first joined the firm as an Associate in 2011 and then served as Director of Intergovernmental Affairs and Vice President. Leading a woman-owned lobbying firm, Jen is strongly committed to advancing opportunities for women and other underrepresented groups in the field of public policy. Jen started her career at TranSComm overseeing transportation planning, grant administration, and public engagement. Jen graduated from Boston University with a Bachelor of Arts in 2011 and the George Washington University Trachtenberg School with a Master of Public Administration in 2013 as a member of Pi Alpha Alpha.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jencovino/
Website: http://www.simoncompany.com/
Email: jennifer.covino@simoncompany.com
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