
Lost and Found: The Secret Behind Kirstenbosch's Exhibition

6 de dic. de 2024 · 14m 43s
Lost and Found: The Secret Behind Kirstenbosch's Exhibition

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 32s


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Lost and Found: The Secret Behind Kirstenbosch's Exhibition Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Af: Die warm somerson oor Kirstenbosch...

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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Lost and Found: The Secret Behind Kirstenbosch's Exhibition
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Story Transcript:

Af: Die warm somerson oor Kirstenbosch Nasionale Botaniese Tuin is helder en dra `n ligte briesie oor die blare.
En: The warm summer sun over the Kirstenbosch Nasionale Botaniese Tuin is bright and carries a light breeze across the leaves.

Af: Kirstenbosch is pragtig in die somer, met kleurvolle blomme wat oral oopblaar en voetpaadjies wat deur die welige tuine kronkel.
En: Kirstenbosch is beautiful in the summer, with colorful flowers blooming everywhere and paths winding through the lush gardens.

Af: Die vars reuk van fauna vul die lug, en mense stap gemaklik deur die paadjies.
En: The fresh scent of fauna fills the air, and people stroll leisurely along the paths.

Af: Binne-in die tuin heers opwinding vir die komende nasionale botaniese uitstalling; daar is net een probleem.
En: Inside the garden, excitement is building for the upcoming national botanical exhibition; there is just one problem.

Af: Die spesiale plant, een van hul mees waardevolle spesimens, is weg.
En: The special plant, one of their most valuable specimens, is missing.

Af: Pieter, die toegewyde botanis, is bekommerd.
En: Pieter, the dedicated botanist, is worried.

Af: Hierdie plant is uniek en benodig spesiale sorg.
En: This plant is unique and requires special care.

Af: Sonder dit sal die uitstalling nie dieselfde wees nie en die tuin se reputasie is in gevaar.
En: Without it, the exhibition won't be the same, and the garden's reputation is at risk.

Af: Pieter sit versigtig sy bril reg en kyk na die jong intern langs hom, Annelie.
En: Pieter carefully adjusts his glasses and looks at the young intern next to him, Annelie.

Af: Sy is leergierig en vol energie.
En: She is eager to learn and full of energy.

Af: “Ons moet die plant vind voor die vakansiedag op 16 Desember,” sê hy.
En: "We must find the plant before the holiday on the 16th of December," he says.

Af: Annelie knik ernstig.
En: Annelie nods seriously.

Af: Sy wil haar ondersoekvaardighede wys en Pieter vertrou haar daarmee, ten spyte van reëls.
En: She wants to showcase her investigative skills, and Pieter trusts her with this task, despite the rules.

Af: Jaco, die hooftuinier, vang hulle oog van die afstand af.
En: Jaco, the head gardener, catches their eye from a distance.

Af: Hy lyk altyd effens afsydig, maar daar is iets in sy houding wat aandag trek.
En: He always seems slightly aloof, but there's something about his demeanor that draws attention.

Af: Pieter besluit om met Annelie aan sy sy meer uit te vind.
En: Pieter decides to find out more, with Annelie by his side.

Af: “Kom ons ondersoek die kweekhuis, dalk is daar 'n leidraad.”
En: "Let's investigate the greenhouse; maybe there's a clue."

Af: Hulle beweeg stadig deur die kweekhuis, die hitte druk swaar om hulle.
En: They move slowly through the greenhouse, the heat pressing heavily around them.

Af: Plante van alle vorms en kleure trap die kweekhuis vol.
En: Plants of all shapes and colors fill the greenhouse.

Af: Pieter en Annelie spits hul ore en oë.
En: Pieter and Annelie keep their ears and eyes open.

Af: Daar is `n flou geluid van buite af.
En: There is a faint sound from outside.

Af: Dit is Jaco.
En: It is Jaco.

Af: “Wat maak jy hier?” vra Pieter, sy stem vas maar nie dreigend nie.
En: "What are you doing here?" asks Pieter, his voice firm but not threatening.

Af: Jaco draai stadig om.
En: Jaco turns around slowly.

Af: Hy sug diep en gooi sy hande in die lug.
En: He sighs deeply and throws his hands in the air.

Af: “Ek het die plant weggesteek,” sê Jaco uiteindelik.
En: "I hid the plant," Jaco finally says.

Af: “Ek het gehoor van planne om dit vir eksperimente gebruik sonder toestemming.
En: "I heard about plans to use it for experiments without permission.

Af: Ek het dit net wil beskerm.” Sy oë is opreg.
En: I just wanted to protect it." His eyes are sincere.

Af: Pieter kyk na Annelie, en dan na Jaco.
En: Pieter looks at Annelie, and then at Jaco.

Af: "Dankie," sê hy uiteindelik.
En: "Thank you," he says finally.

Af: “Jy het net die beste interesse van die tuin op hart.”
En: "You only had the garden's best interest at heart."

Af: Met die plant veilig terug, is die uitstalling 'n reuse-sukses.
En: With the plant safely returned, the exhibition is a huge success.

Af: Annelie glimlag breed met trots op die groot dag.
En: Annelie smiles broadly with pride on the big day.

Af: Pieter, wat gewoonlik die beskermende soort is, het geleer om op sy span te vertrou en hul vaardighede te waardeer.
En: Pieter, who is usually the protective type, has learned to trust his team and appreciate their skills.

Af: Teen die kant van Tafelberg, onder die wonder van Kirstenbosch se somerblou lug, het die tuin nuwe lewe gekry, nie net deur sy plante nie, maar deur `n span wat nou saamwerk met dieper begrip en waardering.
En: At the foot of Tafelberg, under the wonder of Kirstenbosch's summer-blue sky, the garden has come to new life, not just through its plants, but through a team working together with deeper understanding and appreciation.

Vocabulary Words:
  • breeze: briesie
  • blooming: oopblaar
  • winding: kronkel
  • scent: reuk
  • stroll: stap
  • excited: opwinding
  • specimens: spesimens
  • worried: bekommerd
  • unique: unikaal
  • reputation: reputasie
  • eager: leergierig
  • investigative: ondersoekvaardighede
  • aloof: afsydig
  • demeanor: houding
  • greenhouse: kweekhuis
  • clue: leidraad
  • pressing: druk
  • permission: toestemming
  • protect: beskerm
  • sincere: opreg
  • teamwork: spanwerk
  • understanding: begrip
  • appreciation: waardering
  • specimens: spesimens
  • exhibition: uitstalling
  • intern: intern
  • head gardener: hooftuinier
  • investigate: ondersoek
  • success: sukses
  • proud: trots
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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