Man Calmly Confesses to Murdering His Landlord

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Man Calmly Confesses to Murdering His Landlord
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Man Calmly Confesses to Murdering His Landlord Bodycam footage shows a New Mexico man confessing to murdering his landlord after years of guilt weighed him down. Tony Peralta called 911...
mostra másBodycam footage shows a New Mexico man confessing to murdering his landlord after years of guilt weighed him down. Tony Peralta called 911 on himself in 2023 and told Roswell police he had to admit to something. When officers arrived. Peralta calmly told them he was ready to confess to the murder and show the police where it happened.
#bodycam #cops #police #policebodycam
Autor | Alexis Knight |
Organización | The Dark Web Vlogs |
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