Marcionism - A Little Dose of Heresy Ep. 1

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Welcome to our first episode in our series we are calling "Your Dose of Heresy", where we learn what theology IS by learning what it is NOT. For those who...
mostra másFor those who my not know, a "heresy" is a formal denial or doubt of a core doctrine of the Christian faith as defined by one or more of the Christian churches. For our first episode we are tackling a heresy that, like all heresies, is still alive today. What sets this one apart, though, is that you probably know someone who holds to this heresy without even REALIZING it's heresy! (Who knows, YOU may even hold to it!) It's called Marcionism, and if you want to know more about it, take a listen! We're glad you're here, let's get into it :)
Autor | Mission Hill Youth |
Organización | Mission Hill Youth |
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