Maria is all over the place | Bachelor recap: Joey's season, episode 7

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You have to know someone to love them, but who is Joey really? In this Bachelor recap, we talk about why we think Daisy’s really not that into him and...
mostra másWe talk about Maria’s conflict styles and how they’ve been polar opposites the entire season - except for how they need their partner to show up for them. And why that quality may be Joey’s dealbreaker. Along the way, we discuss why Kelsey A is a perfect combination of what he’s looking for, plus our doubts that he’ll actually choose her.
We’re Kelly and Julie, and we’re Here to Find Love: a show where two Asian American dating coaches go deep on frothy sh!t. We post reality TV dating show analysis and Bachelor recap videos. Welcome to HTFL! (And in case you're wondering: this is a spoiler-free Bachelor podcast!)
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