"Mastermind in Madness: The Crazy Don Vincent Gigante Story"

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"Mastermind in Madness: The Crazy Don Vincent Gigante Story"
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Dive into the enigmatic world of Vincent Gigante, the notorious Mafia boss who ruled New York's underworld with an iron fist while masquerading as a madman. "Mastermind in Madness: The...
mostra más- (00:01) Vincent Gigante, believed to be the boss of New York's Genovese crime family, often roamed Greenwich Village in a bathrobe, acting insane—a possible tactic to avoid law enforcement scrutiny.
- (01:10) Despite his public persona, Gigante was considered a shrewd mafia leader involved in organized crime activities, raising questions about his true mental state.
- (03:08) The history of the Mafia, originating from Sicily in the 13th century, evolved over the centuries and re-established in New York during the 1920s, with Sicilian Americans often needing Mafia protection.
- (10:21) After his release from prison in 1964, Gigante's behavior became increasingly erratic. He frequently wandered the streets appearing disoriented, which coincided with the onset of police investigations into his criminal activities.
- (42:25) Vincent Gigante was finally arrested and charged under the RICO laws, culminating in a 1997 trial where he was found competent to stand trial despite previous claims of mental incompetence, and subsequently convicted of various crimes including conspiracy to kill and extortion.
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