"Mastery Through Love—The Relinquishment of Fear" Online Retreat: Movie Session with Jason

17 de jun. de 2019 · 41m 46s
"Mastery Through Love—The Relinquishment of Fear" Online Retreat: Movie Session with Jason

http://livingmiracles.org/events With clips from "Black Mirror," "StarTrek," "50 First Dates," and "God Friended me," Jason takes us from the bottom of the unconscious mind all the way up to the...

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With clips from "Black Mirror," "StarTrek," "50 First Dates," and "God Friended me," Jason takes us from the bottom of the unconscious mind all the way up to the happy dream and a life dedicated to One Purpose: Mastery Through Love.

Refer to the timecodes below to keep track of which clip Jason is commenting on:
02:54 – Netflix, Black Mirror: Men Against Fire
08:03 – Star Trek: Voyager S1.E11 Heroes and Demons
11:04 – Star Trek: Voyager S1.E2 Parallax
13:26 – 50 First Dates Minimovie
21:27 – God Friended Me S01E03 Heavenly Taco Truck
33:07 – God Friended Me S01E04 Error Code 1.61
35:17 – God Friended Me S01E06 A House Divided

Visit the Movie Watcher's Guide to Enlightenment: an online searchable database of movie reviews featuring the best spiritual awakening movies:

To learn more about upcoming online retreats, click on the link below:

Recorded on June 8, 2019, during Saturday afternoon session of the "Awakening from the Dream" online retreat, with the theme of "Mastery Through Love—The Relinquishment of Fear."
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Autor Living Church Ministries
Organización Living Miracles - The Message
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