Mid Atlantic Championship Wrestling JCP Rewind: Jim Cornette & J.J. Dillion In The Time Machine

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Mid Atlantic Championship Wrestling JCP Rewind: Jim Cornette & J.J. Dillion In The Time Machine
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The story contrasts two territories in wrestling: Jim Crockett Sr.'s southern promotion and Jim Jr.'s cultural institution in the Carolinas, which became one of the largest wrestling companies in U.S....
mostra másJim Crockett Sr. was known for his humility, driving a modest car to connect with blue-collar fans and maintain his business reputation, emphasizing that his word was his bond.
Jim Crockett Jr. enforced professionalism and fairness, such as ensuring opening acts could perform despite technical issues, showing a hands-on approach to management.
The discussion highlights the challenges and dynamics of wrestling promotions, including the impact of racial segregation, the importance of titles, and the cyclical nature of the wrestling business.
The NWA's significance is discussed, noting how talent influx and changing booking styles under figures like Dusty Rhodes and Ric Flair shaped the territories, but also led to overextension and eventual decline.
5 minutes in you can listen to a match then it is awesome!!
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