26 de dic. de 2024 · 13m 39s
Descripción ----------- Socrates was an important ancient Greek philosopher, born in Athens around 470 B.C., known for his innovative and nonconformist approach to His method, termed Socratic, and his...

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Socrates was an important ancient Greek philosopher, born in Athens around 470 B.C., known for his innovative and nonconformist approach to philosophical research. His method, termed Socratic, and his ideas have come down to us thanks mainly to the writings of one of his students, Plato, since Socrates left nothing in writing. This historical figure represents a pillar of Western thought, although in his time he was by no means loved and respected by all. Even today his method of philosophical inquiry can be used effectively to stimulate individual reflection and entice interpersonal discussion.

Select the sentences you consider to be in line with Socrates’ thought.

 Human beings are profoundly ignorant
 Socrates used maieutics to get others to reflect
 Dialogue is the basis of the process of knowledge
 Socrates was sentenced to death by his fellow citizens
 Those who consider themselves wise are generally not wise at all
 The limitation of books is that they always give the same answers

Note the number of selected boxes and read the relevant profile.

0: You are not Socratic at all
1-2: You are a little bit Socratic
3-4: You are a growing Socrates
5-6: Socrates would be proud of you!

Explanation of sentences

Human beings are profoundly ignorant
Socrates’ entire intellectual output originated from his realization of a fundamental truth: ignorance is the origin of all evil. After realizing this, the Athenian philosopher began his path of inquiry aimed at transforming his ignorance into knowledge that was as accurate and close to ultimate truth as possible. So, according to Socrates, the human being comes into the world in a condition of ignorance and must, as a first step, acknowledge it.
Socrates used maieutics to get others to reflect
Maieutics is the art of midwives, that is, those women who once assisted other women in childbirth. Socrates was inspired by them, considering his dialogical technique as a form of birthing in which the interlocutors, by interacting and stimulating each other, finally arrive at giving birth to a shared truth. Maieutics had, and still has, the purpose of activating critical thinking.
Dialogue is the basis of the process of knowledge
At the heart of the Socratic method is dialogue, meaning the continuous dialectical confrontation between people. The philosopher believed that this method was the only one capable of leading to a shared truth. It should be specified that Socrates considered knowledge not so much as a form of learning, but as a phenomenon based on remembering, believing by this that we already possess certain knowledge and truths, only that we have forgotten them. Dialogue would have the ability to bring them back.
Socrates was sentenced to death by his fellow citizens
Unfortunately, it went exactly this way. At that time in Athens, trials were held publicly and it was the people themselves who judged the accused guilty or innocent, not before hearing both the prosecution and the defense. This form of forensic democracy led to the condemnation to death of Socrates, who was found guilty of various offenses, including corrupting the minds of young people by imparting to them his ideas, the very ones we are addressing here.
Those who consider themselves wise are generally not wise at all
Numerous curious anecdotes are circulating about Socrates’ attitude toward the so-called wise men. It seems that he was a real bogeyman for these latter, since he used them as targets for his uncomfortable questions. What came out of it, question after question, was that these self-proclaimed experts knew little or nothing at all about the subject about which they considered themselves prepared. They were experts mainly in the use of words and in giving the impression that they were competent.
The limitation of books is that they always give the same answers
Although there is no certainty that such a statement was actually produced by Socrates, we do know that he left nothing written as he considered dialogue and the act of verbally passing on ideas to be the most effective. Apparently, the philosopher found a major flaw in knowledge handed down in writing, namely the fact that books, when faced with a question, always answered in the same way, soon becoming obsolete. In contrast, dialogue with other people could generate new answers and enlightenment.
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