Modern relics podcast ep49 the 49th parallel, the 49th episode, the 49th time I've made fun of Trudeau.

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Modern relics podcast ep49 the 49th parallel, the 49th episode, the 49th time I've made fun of Trudeau.
Esta transcripción es generada automáticamente. Ten en cuenta que no se garantiza una precisión absoluta.
Justin Trudeau steps down but the boys aren't goin anywhere... we're here to talk about the impacts, extend a hand to Canada, and dream of Timbits down here one day,...
mostra másAngel Discusses Christmas presents to his Dad, talks about car troubles and spreads the Costco wholesale gospel
Lucky relives last week and talks about the United States, now with our own Gulf and in glorious extra Greenland color!
Las Vegas explosion and fallout
January 6th and no drama... it fits the narrative, maybe not how you'd think, or perhaps Angel has finally lost his mind
Tim Pool Stays independant from the Daily Wire
Justin Trudeau, Big PP, and the Canada state of things as we see it...
It's a live show, you never know what's gonna happen
All this and the Gospel by GenZ
Autor | modern relics |
Organización | modern relics |
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