Montana: The Newlywed Killer

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Montana: The Newlywed Killer
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On Monday, July 8th, 2013, a man named Cameron Frederickson was concerned. His usually reliable and on-time employee, 25-year-old Cody Johnson had not shown up to work that day. Frederickson...
mostra másCody Johnson had just gotten married one week before, at the end of June. His bride was Jordan Johnson and Cody's friends and family were not big fans of hers. A search ensued for Cody, and Jordan led police and searchgoers up to the hiking cliffs where Cody never would have gone because of his fear of heights. But there he was, lying dead at the bottom of the highest cliff. Clearly, Jordan was their primary suspect, but why would this young and very Christian newly-married woman kill her husband?
Show Notes:
Autor | Katy Accardo |
Organización | Katy Accardo |
Página web | - |
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