Move the Mic Stand - Episode 12 - Old Timey Limey

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Move the Mic Stand - Episode 12 - Old Timey Limey
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This episode is sponsored by: The Hoop Sauce Dean & Ka$h are back with holiday spirit and joy as this episode is the last one before Christmas! This week...
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Dean & Ka$h are back with holiday spirit and joy as this episode is the last one before Christmas!
This week has the boys talking about the Masked Singer, A.I. Christmas Radio Ads, Puppy Mats, Hot Bacon Dressing, Popcorn Balls, and other holiday traditions.
Comedy Tip: Knowing Your Limits - Drugs and Alcohol
Tune in and don't forget to Move the Mic Stand!
Dean Berg
Ka$h Money Karl
Move the Mic Stand is a TapeDeck Media production.
Autor | TapeDeck Media |
Organización | TapeDeck Media |
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