Move the Mic Stand - Episode 13 - Return of the Dongle

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Move the Mic Stand - Episode 13 - Return of the Dongle
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This episode is sponsored by: The Hoop Sauce Dean & Ka$h drop another episode for your enjoyment! This week has the boys talking about a holiday song draft, Taco...
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Dean & Ka$h drop another episode for your enjoyment!
This week has the boys talking about a holiday song draft, Taco Bell, a year of the beard, upcoming shows, movies, shows, and more!
Comedy Tip: Fix one thing at a time!
Tune in and don't forget to Move the Mic Stand!
Dean Berg
Ka$h Money Karl
Move the Mic Stand is a TapeDeck Media production.
Autor | TapeDeck Media |
Organización | TapeDeck Media |
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