
Mysteries of Snowdonia: Unveiling Ancient Secrets Together

5 de ago. de 2024 · 16m 24s
Mysteries of Snowdonia: Unveiling Ancient Secrets Together

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 31s


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Mysteries of Snowdonia: Unveiling Ancient Secrets Together Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Rhodri cerddodd trwy’r llynnoedd hardd a’r...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Mysteries of Snowdonia: Unveiling Ancient Secrets Together
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Cy: Rhodri cerddodd trwy’r llynnoedd hardd a’r coedwig lwyd mewn Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri.
En: Rhodri walked through the beautiful lakes and the gray forest in Snowdonia National Park.

Cy: Roedd yr awyr yn glir ac yn llawn canu adar.
En: The sky was clear and full of birdsong.

Cy: Aeth y bore ymlaen ac roedd y mynyddoedd uchel yn edrych fel olion hen deyrnas.
En: As the morning went on, the high mountains looked like remnants of an ancient kingdom.

Cy: Roedd Rhodri yn credu bod gwirionedd yn cuddio yma.
En: Rhodri believed that there was a hidden truth here.

Cy: Yn sydyn, clywodd lais.
En: Suddenly, he heard a voice.

Cy: Eirlys oedd hi, archeolegydd o Gaerdydd.
En: It was Eirlys, an archaeologist from Cardiff.

Cy: Roedd hi’n edrych ar fap ac yn siarad am hen arteffact.
En: She was looking at a map and talking about an ancient artifact.

Cy: Roedd Rhodri yn gwybod bod ei ddamcaniaethau'n gywir.
En: Rhodri knew her theories were correct.

Cy: "Bore da, Eirlys," meddai Rhodri.
En: "Good morning, Eirlys," said Rhodri.

Cy: "Dw i'n Rhodri, hanesydd lleol.
En: "I am Rhodri, a local historian."

Cy: "Eirlys smileodd a wnaeth ddweud, "Dw i'n edrych am hen arteffact.
En: Eirlys smiled and said, "I am looking for an ancient artifact.

Cy: Ond mae'n beryg yma.
En: But it is dangerous here."

Cy: ”Yn y pellder, roedd rhywun arall yn agosáu.
En: In the distance, someone else was approaching.

Cy: Meirion, ceidwad y parc oedd e.
En: It was Meirion, the park warden.

Cy: Roedd ganddo ffrindiaeth a chysylltiad personol i'r chwedlau.
En: He had a friendship and a personal connection to the legends.

Cy: "Helo chi," meddai Meirion.
En: "Hello you two," said Meirion.

Cy: "Beth sy’n digwydd yma?
En: "What’s happening here?"

Cy: "Esboniodd Rhodri y sefyllfa.
En: Rhodri explained the situation.

Cy: Penderfynodd y tri i weithio gyda'i gilydd.
En: The three decided to work together.

Cy: Wrth drio lawr llwybr cul, daethant o hyd i ogofau cudd.
En: As they tried down a narrow path, they found hidden caves.

Cy: Roedd y cerfluniau hynafol yn arwyddion bod rhywbeth pwysig yma.
En: The ancient carvings indicated that something important was here.

Cy: Roedd Rhodri’n falch ond yn ofnus hefyd.
En: Rhodri was proud but also afraid.

Cy: Ond yna, cododd problem.
En: But then, a problem arose.

Cy: Cafodd y tri ei gornelu gan grŵp o bobl oedd yn edrych am yr arteffact hefyd.
En: The three were cornered by a group of people who were also looking for the artifact.

Cy: "Rhowch i ni’r arteffact," dywedodd arweinydd y grŵp.
En: "Give us the artifact," said the leader of the group.

Cy: Roedd sefyllfa’n tyfu’n beryglus.
En: The situation was becoming dangerous.

Cy: Ond roedd Eirlys yn gyflym.
En: But Eirlys was quick.

Cy: Gwnaeth dynnu sylw’r gelynion tra bod Meirion a Rhodri yn meddwl cynllun.
En: She distracted the enemies while Meirion and Rhodri thought of a plan.

Cy: Llwyddodd Meirion i arwain y grŵp anghyfeillgar i ffwrdd, tra roedd Rhodri ac Eirlys yn dod o hyd i'r arteffact yn y tywyllwch.
En: Meirion managed to lead the unfriendly group away, while Rhodri and Eirlys found the artifact in the darkness.

Cy: Roedd y llechen aur yn disgleirio yn y golau fflachlamp.
En: The golden tablet gleamed in the flashlight's beam.

Cy: Yn sydyn, clywyd sŵn.
En: Suddenly, a sound was heard.

Cy: "Rydyn ni’n gyflawn," meddai Eirlys.
En: "We’re complete," said Eirlys.

Cy: Roedd Meirion wedi dychwelyd heb ei ddiweddar.
En: Meirion had returned unharmed.

Cy: Roedd y trio wedi gallu dianc gyda’r arteffact.
En: The trio had managed to escape with the artifact.

Cy: Ar ôl gorffen y daith, penderfynodd y tri i adael yr arteffact i'w archwilio yn iawn.
En: After finishing the journey, the three decided to have the artifact properly examined.

Cy: "Rhaid i ni rannu hyn gyda’r byd," meddai Rhodri.
En: "We must share this with the world," said Rhodri.

Cy: "Rhywfodd, mae rhai dirgelion yn well pan gânt ei rannu.
En: "Somehow, some mysteries are better when they are shared."

Cy: "Roedd Rhodri wedi dysgu gwers bwysig.
En: Rhodri had learned an important lesson.

Cy: Roedd cydweithio a rhannu’n gryf.
En: Collaboration and sharing are strong.

Cy: Roedd hen drysorau’n perthyn i bawb, nid i fod yn cuddio.
En: Ancient treasures belong to everyone, not to be hidden.

Cy: A thrwy hynny, adawont y llecynnau’r parc yn dawel ar ôl iddynt feithrin cysylltiad newydd.
En: And thus, they left the park areas in peace after forging a new connection.

Cy: Roedd y mynyddoedd yn aros gyda’u sîr a’u cyfrinachau.
En: The mountains remained with their quiet and their secrets.

Cy: A thyfodd y tri o’r profiad hwnnw, yn adnabod bod llawenydd a chryfder mewn cydweithrediad.
En: And the three grew from that experience, knowing that joy and strength lie in cooperation.

Cy: Diwedd.
En: The End.

Vocabulary Words:
  • remnants: olion
  • hidden: cuddio
  • truth: gwirionedd
  • suddenly: yn sydyn
  • archaeologist: archeolegydd
  • artifact: arteffact
  • theorists: damcaniaethau
  • smiled: smileodd
  • dangerous: beryg
  • distance: pellder
  • warden: ceidwad
  • situation: sefyllfa
  • narrow: cul
  • path: llwybr
  • hidden caves: ogofau cudd
  • carvings: cerfluniau
  • rights: arwyddion
  • proud: falch
  • afraid: ofnus
  • cornered: cornelu
  • unfriendly: anghyfeillgar
  • thought: meddwl
  • gleamed: disgleirio
  • flashlight: golau fflachlamp
  • sound: sŵn
  • returned: dychwelyd
  • unharmed: heb ei ddiweddar
  • examined: archwilio
  • share: rannu
  • mysteries: dirgelion
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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