
Navigating Ambition: A Story of Mutual Respect in the Workplace

25 de jul. de 2024 · 16m 16s
Navigating Ambition: A Story of Mutual Respect in the Workplace

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 37s


Fluent Fiction - Irish: Navigating Ambition: A Story of Mutual Respect in the Workplace Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Ga: Bhí an ghrian...

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Fluent Fiction - Irish: Navigating Ambition: A Story of Mutual Respect in the Workplace
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Story Transcript:

Ga: Bhí an ghrian ag taitneamh go geal tríd na fuinneoga móra gloine sa tobair oibre.
En: The sun was shining brightly through the large glass windows of the office.

Ga: Bhí Conall ina shuí ina oifig, ag ullmhú don chruinniú míosúil feidhmíochta.
En: Conall was sitting in his office, preparing for the monthly performance meeting.

Ga: Ní raibh sé ag iarraidh an cruinniú seo go háirithe, mar bhí sé ag tuiscint go raibh amhras éigin aige faoi cé go díreach a sheas sé sa chomhlacht.
En: He wasn't particularly looking forward to this meeting, as he had some uncertainty about exactly where he stood within the company.

Ga: Chuir sé súil amach ar na deasca oscailte.
En: He glanced out at the open desks.

Ga: Chonaic sé Siobhán ag obair go dian.
En: He saw Siobhán working diligently.

Ga: Bhí sí i gcónaí an-uaillmhianach agus bhí tionscadail ollmhóra bainte amach aici.
En: She was always very ambitious and had achieved enormous projects.

Ga: Shíl Conall go bhféadfadh a rath ardú tubaisteach dá staid féin a thaispeáint.
En: Conall thought her success might highlight his own precarious situation.

Ga: Tháinig an t-am don chruinniú.
En: The time for the meeting came.

Ga: Shiúil Siobhán isteach sa seomra cruinnithe.
En: Siobhán walked into the conference room.

Ga: Bhí an seomra geal, le radharcanna iontacha ar spéir na cathrach.
En: The room was bright, with stunning views of the city skyline.

Ga: Bhí cúis le haer úr an tsamhraidh a mothú tríd na fuinneoga, agus bhí sé ag cuidiú le Siobhán a scíth a ligint beagáinín.
En: There was a reason to feel the fresh summer air through the windows, and it was helping Siobhán to relax a bit.

Ga: "Conas atá tú, Conall?" a dúirt Siobhán go mímhuiníneach, cé gur léir gur ghlac sí éirí nua.
En: "How are you, Conall?" Siobhán said somewhat nervously, though it was clear she was embracing a newfound confidence.

Ga: "Go maith, go raibh maith agat. Tá súil agam go bhfuil ag éirí go maith leat freisin," d'fhreagair Conall le meangadh beag.
En: "Good, thank you. I hope things are going well for you too," Conall replied with a slight smile.

Ga: Thosaigh an bplé.
En: The discussion began.

Ga: Chuaigh Conall thar na pointí riachtanacha, na spriocanna bainte amach agus caighdeán an ghrúpa.
En: Conall went over the essential points, the goals achieved, and the group's standards.

Ga: Bhí sé ag mothú rud beag craiceáilte le gach nuashonrú ar thionscadail Siobhán.
En: He was feeling a bit frantic with each update on Siobhán's projects.

Ga: Sa deireadh, bhain sé leis an bpointe deireanach de.
En: In the end, he reached the final point.

Ga: Ghlac Siobhán an eochairóig.
En: Siobhán took the cue.

Ga: "Bhí mé ag iarraidh labhairt faoi mo chuid éachtaí," a dúirt sí le misneach.
En: "I wanted to talk about my achievements," she said boldly.

Ga: "Tá mé ag baint amach go leor spriocanna agus tá an t-am agam smaoineamh ar ardú céime."
En: "I have been hitting many targets and have been thinking about a promotion,"

Ga: Bhí cíoradh deacair ag Conall ina intinn.
En: Conall had a tough decision running through his mind.

Ga: Dá mbeadh sé ag moladh í, d'fhéadfadh go nglacfadh sí an ardú céime a bhí uathu araon.
En: If he recommended her, she might get the promotion they both desired.

Ga: Ach mura mbeadh...
En: But if he didn't...

Ga: Tar éis nóiméad machnaimh, chinneadh sé.
En: After a moment of reflection, he made his decision.

Ga: "Siobhán, tá do chuid oibre dochreidte.
En: "Siobhán, your work is incredible.

Ga: Tá tú ag déanamh sár-jab.
En: You are doing an excellent job.

Ga: Is fiú do phromóisean a mheas.
En: I believe your promotion is worth considering.

Ga: Déarfainn go ndéanfadh sé maith ar ár bhfoireann."
En: I think it would be beneficial for our team,"

Ga: D'fhéach Siobhán air le hiontas agus buíochas.
En: Siobhán looked at him with surprise and gratitude.

Ga: B'fhéidir nár shíl sí go mbeadh sé chomh tacúil.
En: Perhaps she hadn't thought he would be so supportive.

Ga: "Go raibh míle maith agat, Conall," a dúirt sí le gáire mór.
En: "Thank you so much, Conall," she said with a big smile.

Ga: "Ciallaíonn sé seo an domhan dom."
En: "This means the world to me,"

Ga: D'fhág siad an seomra le mothú nua: Siobhán leis an misneach a bhí aici i gcónaí, agus Conall leis an gcumas a bhí ann feabhas comhchoiteann a aithint.
En: They left the room with new feelings: Siobhán with the confidence she always had, and Conall with the realization that collective improvement could be recognized.

Ga: Bhí oifig Conall níos gile leis an ngrian, agus i bhfad níos suaimhní lena chroí.
En: Conall's office was brighter with the sunlight and much more at peace with his heart.

Ga: Agus ansin, lean siad ar aghaidh lena n-obair, ag tógáil ar an mhuinín agus an meas frithpháirteach.
En: And then, they continued with their work, building on mutual trust and respect.

Ga: Bhí Conall díreach tar éis a thuiscint go bhfuil fíor-láidir ag teacht ó fhoireann láidir.
En: Conall had just realized that true strength comes from a strong team.

Vocabulary Words:
  • shining: taitneamh
  • glass: gloine
  • preparing: ag ullmhú
  • uncertainty: amhras
  • glanced: chuir sé súil
  • ambitious: uaillmhianach
  • enormous: ollmhóra
  • stunning: iontacha
  • skyline: spéir na cathrach
  • newfound: éirí nua
  • confidence: muiníneach
  • discussion: plé
  • essential: riachtanacha
  • standards: caighdeán
  • frantic: craiceáilte
  • cue: eochairóig
  • achievements: éachtaí
  • targets: spriocanna
  • promotion: ardú céime
  • recommend: moladh
  • reflection: machnaimh
  • incredible: dochreidte
  • surprise: iontas
  • gratitude: buíochas
  • collective: comhchoiteann
  • recognized: aithint
  • realization: tuiscint
  • mutual: frithpháirteach
  • strength: fíor-láidir
  • team: foireann
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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