NEW INTERVIEW + 15 YRS AGO: Matt & Jeff Hardy interview talking AEW departure, TNA aspirations + 15 Years Ago Dailycast talking Impact, more

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NEW INTERVIEW + 15 YRS AGO: Matt & Jeff Hardy interview talking AEW departure, TNA aspirations + 15 Years Ago Dailycast talking Impact, more
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Today we bring you a double-header starting with PWTorch's Brian Zilem interviewing Matt & Jeff Hardy in person earlier this week in San Antonio, Tex. discussing TNA's PPV this weekend,...
mostra másThen we jump back to another early episode of the PWTorch Livecast from 15 Years Ago (1-22-2010). Wade Keller was joined by PWTorch's Bruce Mitchell with a focus on the previous night's TNA Impact including the Survivor Series derivative screwjob, an Eric Bischoff-Mick Foley exchange, Jeff Jarrett on Bubba the Love Sponge, and more Impact items, plus several WWE topics.
Autor | Pro Wrestling Torch |
Organización | Pro Wrestling Torch |
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