"Perfect Sense" Movie Talk with David Hoffmeister

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https://mwge.org David gives a spectacular commentary from the Awakened Mind on the movie "Perfect Sense." Below is the Holy Spirit write-up included in our online Movie Watcher's Guide to Enlightenment....
mostra másDavid gives a spectacular commentary from the Awakened Mind on the movie "Perfect Sense." Below is the Holy Spirit write-up included in our online Movie Watcher's Guide to Enlightenment. For more enlightening movie reviews, videos, audios, and much more, subscribe at https://mwge.org.
This is a powerful film in which the characters go through a shared and accelerated awakening experience. Due to a virus, they lose four out of the body’s five physical senses, one by one. This is extremely shocking to their ego mind. Each loss triggers repressed rage, panic and grief. Each time a sense is lost, there is a desperate attempt to both control the virus and to compensate for the loss by enhancing a sense that still remains intact. This attempt however is futile. As Einstein says, “You can never solve a problem from the level on which it was created.”
For Susan and Michael, the collective loss of senses propels them to open up to each other; they begin sharing private thoughts and communicating their feelings. As old memories, concepts and beliefs are released; they experience new levels of intimacy.
As we rely less on the body’s senses to tell us who we are, what we are will tell us of Itself. The Spirit is leading us into a present experience that is well beyond the understanding of our body’s senses. In the final hours, all that is left is a profound love and appreciation and a shared urge to reach out to one another to end the dream of fragmentation once and for all!
Recorded on January 22, 2019, at Casa Quantico in San Antonio Tlayacapan, Jalisco, Mexico.
To learn more about watching movies for enlightenment, visit our online Movie Watchers Guide to Enlightenment (MWGE) at https://mwge.org
Autor | David Hoffmeister ACIM Teacher |
Organización | David Hoffmeister ACIM Teacher |
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