
Piggy Back

2 de dic. de 2024 · 33m 15s
Piggy Back

We're here for our first December episode. The year is almost over! What?!?! This week we are going to catch up on our race reviews, lay out the rest of...

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We're here for our first December episode. The year is almost over! What?!?! This week we are going to catch up on our race reviews, lay out the rest of the year, and then yes we are piggy backing! Our friends over at the Happy Pace Podcast put out an episode and we had to talk about it! We are talking DNF's. Yes, the dreaded runner term no one wants to hear. We will talk about how to approach them when they happen. Join in and make sure that this is an episode you take all the way to the finish line.
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Autor The Back of the Pack Podcast
Organización Katy ONeill
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