Podcast Ep. 6 - Multitasking vs Monotasking: The Best Approach for ADHD Productivity and Planning

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In this episode, we dive deep into the pros and cons of multitasking, especially for ADHD brains. Are we really being more productive by juggling tasks, or are we just...
mostra másOur hosts discuss why multitasking often fails us and reveal the magic of monotasking—giving full attention to one task at a time.
They explore practical strategies, from time blocking to the Pomodoro technique, and introduce the concept of “dual task monotasking” as a flexible alternative.
Tune in to learn how to reclaim your focus, reduce stress, and build a productivity toolkit that works for your unique brain. Ready to try monotasking?
Listen in and start transforming your approach to work and life!
Organización | ADHD LIFE SYNC |
Página web | adhdlifesync.com |
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