Power Project Episode #113: The Power of Steadfastness with Melissa Ice

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In Episode #113 Melissa Ice from The Net and The Worthy Co sat down with Brandi to discuss the calling of vocational stewardship and how her organization has evolved in...
mostra másMelissa Ice from The Net and The Worthy Co sat down with Brandi to discuss the calling of vocational stewardship and how her organization has evolved in the past two years.
Melissa was on The Power Project in 2019 in Episode #27 where she shared the mission behind The Net and The Worthy Co. Since then The Net has transitioned to solely serve trafficked survivors.
Melissa share that vocational stewardship to her means understanding your why and what you were created for.
You can visit The Worthy Co to attend one of their candle pouring workshops that helps pay for a survivor being employed in the same building.
Melissa reminds us three ways that we can help support the mission.
Pray for steadfastness and stamina
Read a survivor’s memoir (we recommend Rebecca Bender’s In Pursuit of Love)
Support Social Enterprises (like The Worthy Co and The Power Hat Co)
Check out The Worthy Co
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Autor | Brandi Voth |
Organización | Brandi Voth |
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