PPR Final: Pelicans fall short again 111-109 to Kings (Full Game Recap)

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PPR Final: Pelicans fall short again 111-109 to Kings (Full Game Recap)
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#pelicanspostgamereport #sacramentokings #PelicansRecap #NBAPodcast #KingsVsPelicans #pelicansbasketball #WillieGreen #NBARecap #neworleanspelicans Dive into the Pelicans Postgame Report (PPR) as Big Q, DC, and Lexxah breakdown the Kings vs. Pelicans matchup with in-depth...
mostra másDive into the Pelicans Postgame Report (PPR) as Big Q, DC, and Lexxah breakdown the Kings vs. Pelicans matchup with in-depth stats, key takeaways, and player reactions. Hear from head coach Willie Green and players in the postgame presser.
Plus, a preview of the Pelicans' upcoming road game against the Indiana Pacers (10-15). SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, and SHARE to stay updated on all things Pelicans!
Autor | The P.R.O. Media Network Radio |
Organización | The P.R.O. Media Network Radio |
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