
[Pt 2] I Discovered the SHOCKING Reason My Parents Drug Us on Christmas Eve - Reddit Creepypasta

24 de dic. de 2024 · 37m 26s
[Pt 2] I Discovered the SHOCKING Reason My Parents Drug Us on Christmas Eve - Reddit Creepypasta

🔪 Creepypasta Title: Every year on Christmas Eve my parents drug us. I found out why. [Part 2]  Chapter 1: Yeah. You read that right. Maybe you even read my...

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🔪 Creepypasta Title:
Every year on Christmas Eve my parents drug us. I found out why. [Part 2] 

Chapter 1:
Yeah. You read that right. Maybe you even read my post last year? I was pretty panicked when I wrote it so it was short, but it was real. It’s pretty simple for how crazy it all sounds.

Every year on Christmas Eve for as long as I can remember my parents drug us with sleeping pills. Something about not ‘being awake when Santa comes’.

We have a whole schedule the family keeps to. Dinner at five, at six we put on our pajamas and watch that shitty movie It’s a Wonderful Life (and yeah, the pj’s match), and then at half past eight we all use our last bit of eggnog to wash down the pills.

They’re strong. My sister’s out in probably fifteen minutes. I take a little longer but I’m always asleep by nine. Then we wake up the next morning, groggy but okay, and Mom gushes about everything ‘Santa’ left under the tree. Because we’re ‘good’.

It’s all bullshit.

👉 This Creepypasta was written by u/catinthecupboard
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