Queer & Well: We Take Care of Us, Ep. 45

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Queer & Well: We Take Care of Us, Ep. 45
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From Queer & Well's Earth Day event: A panel with Christina Chase of National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance (NAAFA) & Cat Brooks of Anti Police Terror Project (APTP), moderated...
mostra másWhen we think about communal care it is vital that we talk about the ways in which we take care of each other as queer and trans Black and brown folks. How do we show up for one another in a time when we are fighting to keep ourselves alive against capitalism & white supremacy? Join us for a panel discussion on what it looks like to build community infrastructures & relationships that will help sustain us and keep us moving forward.
Christina Chase (she/her) is a superfat black and disabled creative problem solver who is passionate about equity, inclusion, and intersectional fat liberation. Christina is the Governance Chair of NAAFA (The National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance) and brings a delightful enthusiasm to fat activist work. She holds a Master of Arts in Education, and is highly skilled in organizational learning, community building, and professional development training. In her free time Christina loves reading science fiction, playing board games, and slaying at karaoke.
Cat Brooks (she/her) is host of Law & Disorder on KPFA and a long-time performer, organizer, and activist. She played a central role in the struggle for justice for Oscar Grant, and spent the last decade working with impacted communities and families to rapidly respond to police violence and radically transform the ways our communities are policed and incarcerated. She is the co-founder of the Anti Police-Terror Project (APTP) and the Executive Director of The Justice Teams Network. Cat was also the runner-up in Oakland’s 2018 mayoral election, facing incumbent Libby Schaaf.
Episode Transcript
Gemini Moon Botanicals
Audio recording support from Popperz!
Autor | We Rise Production |
Organización | We Rise Production |
Página web | - |
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