Retro: Category 5 Hurricane Special Part 5 Water

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Retro: Category 5 Hurricane Special Part 5 Water
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It is day 6. Days without water, and your mind begins to play tricks with you. When the aftermath is upon you, the real test begins. In the eve of...
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Imagine if you could peek your head into the events that occur during the end of the world. This is a real life end of the world experience cat 5 event. What happened and what I experienced during hurricane Maria, a category 5 (the strongest hurricane ever to hit land at 187mph. In light of the recent destructions; A glimpse into the aftermath of the apocalypse. No water, no telephone, no internet, no electricity, no gas, no ATM's no food. All that is left is fear, panic, and desperation.
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Autor | Professor Zero |
Organización | Professor Zero |
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