Rope A Dope: Crawford vs Porter Preview & Jake Donovan Senior Writer for Boxing scene!

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Rope A Dope: Crawford vs Porter Preview & Jake Donovan Senior Writer for Boxingscene! This episode begins with Recap from a strange weekend in the sport featuring Oscar Valdez winning...
mostra másThis episode begins with Recap from a strange weekend in the sport featuring Oscar Valdez winning barley in a fight that should've been postponed and Evander Holyfield had no business being in the ring and it showed! Also, Terrence Crawford vs. Shawn Porter is a done deal for November 20th in Las Vegas! Senior Writer Jake Donovan of stops by to talk about that fight & Much More! Other Topics For Discussion: Preview this Week's Schedule! -According to Triller Jake Paul went from Novelty Act but now they have 30 million dollars for him to fight Vitor Belfort? -Boxing Twitter Segment: Tweets of the Week, Reading Fanboy Tweets & Exposing Media Behaving as Fanboys! Plus, More Current Fight News & Rumor Mill Items! Follow on Twitter @RopeADopeRadio
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