S1-Ep7: Ant-Man and Dr. Strange

12 de oct. de 2022 · 1h 42m 40s
S1-Ep7: Ant-Man and Dr. Strange

Rustin and Fred talk about the dark horses, Ant-Man and Dr. Strange. B-list heroes or A-list supers? Find what we really thought about these heroes by listening now. Follow us...

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Rustin and Fred talk about the dark horses, Ant-Man and Dr. Strange. B-list heroes or A-list supers? Find what we really thought about these heroes by listening now.

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Also, check out https://www.rustinpetrae.com/ to view all his novels and other works (the Histories of Purga, The Bane Pack Novels, Forfeit, and more) and Fredrick's digital comic book, Supers vs Heroes (now available on Amazon).
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