S10, Ep. 13: This Time 35 "Republicans" Stabbed Their Voters & Texas In The CHEST

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S10, Ep. 13: This Time 35 "Republicans" Stabbed Their Voters & Texas In The CHEST
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On this Salcedo Storm Podcast: Representative Tony Tinderholt is the conservative who represents District 94 in the Texas State House. He has been instrumental in outing the corrupt cabal of...
mostra másRepresentative Tony Tinderholt is the conservative who represents District 94 in the Texas State House. He has been instrumental in outing the corrupt cabal of fake Republicans in the Texas House, wo were selling out their voters to do bad deals with Democrats.
Michael Quinn Sullivan is a graduate of Texas A&M, former newspaper reporter, one-time Capitol Hill staffer, a think tank vice-president, and Eagle Scout. He is also the publisher of Texas Scorecard.
Autor | Chris Salcedo |
Organización | Chris Salcedo |
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