S10, Ep. 14: TEXAS Grassroots React To Betrayal of 35 Fake-Republicans

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S10, Ep. 14: TEXAS Grassroots React To Betrayal of 35 Fake-Republicans
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On this Salcedo Storm Podcast: Julie McCarty founded True Texas Project 16 years ago and has built it into the largest and most active conservative grassroots organization in the state,...
mostra másJulie McCarty founded True Texas Project 16 years ago and has built it into the largest and most active conservative grassroots organization in the state, known and feared by politicians on both the right and left. She serves as the CEO for their nearly 30 chapters.
Fran Rhodes serves as the President of True Texas Project and spearheads all their political activity. She will be a fixture in the Capitol during the legislative session as she fights for TTP's priorities and teaches other activists how to do the same.
Autor | Chris Salcedo |
Organización | Chris Salcedo |
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