S2 Episode 50: Harmonizing The Relationships With Our Kids: An On The Spot Reading With Tangie!

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S2 Episode 50: Harmonizing The Relationships With Our Kids: An On The Spot Reading With Tangie! In this episode, Alicia shares her experience with feeling out of balance in her...
mostra másIn this episode, Alicia shares her experience with feeling out of balance in her relationships with their kids. It’s such an uneasy feeling! And sometimes it’s hard to see the light in the darkness, but relief is available!
Listen as we discuss:
• Leaning Into The Season Of Stillness and Reflection
• Leaning Into Yourself To Find Balance Within
• Verbalizing What You Find Within Can Bring Relief
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Autor | Tangie and Alicia |
Organización | Tangie and Alicia |
Página web | - |
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