S5 E20 | Dr. Jeannine Hanger | Encountering Jesus Through The Senses

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In this conversation, Dr. Lynn Cohick and Kelly Dippolito sit down with Dr. Jeannine Hanger about her journey into theology, her new book https://www.amazon.com/Engaging-Jesus-Our-Senses-Embodied/dp/1540966720/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3QE2NFH6T7GQ2&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.qA4b-IsGWC1bMj1IGYr89XEU90CkBle9IASmu8azFqU.RQh4qXDK6ZhXEJxHkKUpd8Vp4wnc3Aull_RHZFIZxaI&dib_tag=se&keywords=jeannine+hanger+books&qid=1731307212&sprefix=jeannine+hanger+boosk%2Caps%2C88&sr=8-1, and the importance of a sensory...
mostra másResources Mentioned:
Engaging Jesus with Our Senses: An Embodied Approach to the Gospels by Dr. Jeannine Hanger
The Ministry of Women in the New Testament: Reclaiming the Biblical Vision for Church Leadership by Dr. Dorothy A. Lee
The Visual Museum of Women in Christianity
Episode Sponsor:
The Alabaster Jar is brought to you by The Center for Women in Leadership, a newly formed 501©3 nonprofit organization whose purpose is to equip women in a context that is biblically rooted, theologically robust, and ethnically diverse to thrive as leaders in the academy and the Church. Follow them on Instagram @leadershipwithoutapology.
Autor | CWL |
Organización | Lynn Cohick |
Página web | - |
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