S5 E26 | Dr. Scot McKnight | Advent Series – Part 4: Mary Knew

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In this conversation, Dr. Lynn Cohick and Christine Calareso Bleecker are joined by Dr. Scot McKnight to explore the life and significance of Mary, the mother of Jesus. They discuss...
mostra másResources Mentioned:
The Real Mary: Why Protestant Christians Can Embrace the Mother of Jesus by Scot McKnight
The Visual Museum of Women in Christianity
Episode Sponsor:
The Alabaster Jar is brought to you by The Center for Women in Leadership, a newly formed 501©3 nonprofit organization whose purpose is to equip women in a context that is biblically rooted, theologically robust, and ethnically diverse to thrive as leaders in the academy and the Church. Follow them on Instagram @leadershipwithoutapology.
Autor | CWL |
Organización | Lynn Cohick |
Página web | - |
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