Sea of Title Changes at Slammiversary, TripleMania Tijuana and The Owen (ep.783)

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Sea of Title Changes at Slammiversary, TripleMania Tijuana and The Owen (ep.783)
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At Impact Wrestling Slammiversary 2023, the team of Jody Threat and The Death Dollz (Courtney Rush and Jessicka) emerged victorious against The SHAWntourage (Gisele Shaw, Savannah Evans, and Jai Vidal)....
mostra másKenny King, accompanied by Sheldon Jean, dethroned Joe Hendry to become new Impact Digital Media Champion.
Kushida triumphed over Alan Angels, Jake Something, Jonathan Gresham, Kevin Knight, and Mike Bailey in an Ultimate X match, earning the right to challenge for the Impact X Division Championship.
Killer Kelly and Masha Slamovich defeated The Coven (Taylor Wilde and KiLynn King) by pinfall, becoming the new Impact Knockouts World Tag Team Champions.
Scott D'Amore and Eric Young emerged victorious against Bully Ray and Deaner, with NHL Stanley Cup champion Darren McCarty officiating as the special guest enforcer and referee.
Lio Rush overcame Chris Sabin to capture the Impact X Division Championship.
Subculture (Mark Andrews and Flash Morgan Webster), accompanied by Dani Luna, surpassed ABC (Ace Austin and Chris Bey), Brian Myers and Moose, and Rich Swann and Sami Callihan tobecome new Impact World Tag Team Champions.
Eddie Edwards, with Alisha Edwards by his side, defeated Frankie Kazarian in their singles match.
Trinity emerged victorious against Deonna Purrazzo to become the new Impact Knockouts World Champion.
Alex Shelley successfully retained the Impact World Championship by defeating Nick Aldis, while former champion Josh Alexander made his return.
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