Season 2. Ep. 7 David v. Goliath Rewind: Even on Survivor, Goliath Can't Win

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What up fam??? Today, we are talking Insecure. (07:13) THAT moment with Issa and Nathan? Whew!! We’re also discussing Survivor 41 and the “Papayagate scandal.” (23:20) Then, we revisit Survivor...
mostra másToday, we are talking Insecure. (07:13) THAT moment with Issa and Nathan? Whew!! We’re also discussing Survivor 41 and the “Papayagate scandal.” (23:20)
Then, we revisit Survivor 37: David vs Goliath (52:38). Relive all of your favorite moments including the infamous jacket with Natalie Cole, and Angelina with her rice negotiation. We even included some fun Survivor trivia for y’all!!! (01:06:04)
Autor | Aye, Who All Gon' Be There?! |
Organización | Aye, Who All Gon' Be There?! |
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