
Season 4 Episode 105 New Year's Resolutions and more.Capt. E and The Senator

17 de ene. de 2025 · 55m 55s
Season 4 Episode 105 New Year's Resolutions and more.Capt. E and The Senator

Happy New Year!!!!!! It's always sad to see a year go by and to look back and to relish all the incredible things from the past 365 sunsrises. But, it...

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Happy New Year!!!!!! It's always sad to see a year go by and to look back and to relish all the incredible things from the past 365 sunsrises. But, it is also inspiring to think about the chances we have to improve over the next 365 sunsets on years from the past. We are very thankful for each and every one of you that take the time to subscribe and let us entertain and inform you of everything fins, fur, and feathers. We are excited about the 2025 Grand Strand Fishing Rodeo and hope that you will be able to join in and get out and enjoy all that our area offers in fishing and the incredible new format of the tourney with lots of incredible prizes. We also want to let all of our loyal readers of Trilogy Outdoors Magazine know....that the new and imporved version of this time tested periodical will be hitting newstands in the next couple weeks with lots of informative and proffessionally written articles from our team of writers. We hope that the holidays and New Year were kind to your family and we hope that 2025 is all of our best year yet. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!
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