Season 4 Episode 106 Talking Guns with a panel of experts...Ar15's, Suppressors, Best All Around Gun..

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Season 4 Episode 106 Talking Guns with a panel of experts...Ar15's, Suppressors, Best All Around Gun..
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This week we are joined in the by a couple of our regular gueasts as the crew talk guns and ammo once again. When Steve Sr and Mike are...
mostra másby a couple of our regular gueasts as the crew talk guns and ammo once again. When Steve Sr and Mike are in the house we are gonna dive deep into guns and this week is no exception. From figuring out the best AR15 for your needs to the best suppressor for the money. The topics of the best all around billistic for your deer rifle is discussed and we even dive into the story behind the 5.7 round and why it was ever created. Be sure to like and subscribe as well as be sure to download each episode. We sure appreciate the thousands of you that download each episode and we love hearing your feedback. Best of luck to all our senators and representatives as the go back to work in Columbia and we look forward to #47 getting sworn in very shortly!!!! Enjoy!!!! God Bless You and God Bless Our Country!!!!!!
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