Self Tending in Tender Times.

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Self Tending in Tender Times.
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We can't go over it, We can't go under it, We've got to go through it.I’ve been grateful to see somatic therapy where people understand the connection between physical pain...
mostra másI see you. I know how uncomfortable it is. I know sometimes the tears don’t feel like they will come to an end. I know the shakes, the trembles, the wanting to disappear or make it all just stop. But here we are facing a huge collective unraveling together.Many of us didn’t feel like the world was holding us safely to express and be the authentic and natural mess of human beings we can simply be. The snot, the puffy eyes, the lashing out, the puddle of ourselves don’t look great on social media. It’s not something that feels comfortable in a public cafe. haha.
We’ve learned to run and hide, screaming or fighting and resisting the pain for good, dang reason. It hurts and doesn't always look nice. Many of us didn't know how to make that safe container when the world couldn’t and hadn’t.
To stay with it. Yes yes. Stay with it the ouchies, the discomfort and the wanting to wriggle out of the skin... You all know this, but How is the question?
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Autor | Megan Youngmee |
Organización | Megan Youngmee |
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