
Sheep Chase Shenanigans in Llanfairpwllgwyngyll

1 de dic. de 2023 · 16m 10s
Sheep Chase Shenanigans in Llanfairpwllgwyngyll

01 · Main Story

1m 45s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 32s


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Sheep Chase Shenanigans in Llanfairpwllgwyngyll Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Roedd hi'n fore braf a heulog yng nghanol...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Sheep Chase Shenanigans in Llanfairpwllgwyngyll
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Cy: Roedd hi'n fore braf a heulog yng nghanol haf ym mhentref bychan a hir-enwog Llanfairpwllgwyngyll.
En: It was a beautiful and sunny morning in the middle of summer in the small and famous village of Llanfairpwllgwyngyll.

Cy: Yno, roedd Gwen, merch ifanc a llawn egni, yn cerdded drwy'r strydoedd troellog.
En: There, Gwen, a young and energetic girl, was walking through the winding streets.

Cy: Roedd Gwen yn chwilio am ei ffrind, Rhys, oedd i fod i gyfarfod â hi wrth y ffynnon yn y pentref.
En: Gwen was looking for her friend, Rhys, who was supposed to meet her by the village well.

Cy: "Rhys, ble wyt ti?
En: "Rhys, where are you?"

Cy: " gwaeddodd Gwen.
En: Gwen shouted.

Cy: Ond ni chlywodd hi unrhyw ymateb.
En: But she didn't hear any response.

Cy: Aeth hi ymlaen ar hyd y stryd prysur, ei llygaid yn sganio'r golygfeydd o'i chwmpas.
En: She continued along the busy street, her eyes scanning the surroundings.

Cy: Yna, yn sydyn, gwelodd hi siâp yn symud yn gyflym y tu ôl i adeilad hanesyddol yr hen eglwys.
En: Then, suddenly, she saw a figure moving quickly behind the historic building of the old church.

Cy: "Dyna ti, Rhys!
En: "There you are, Rhys!"

Cy: " meddai Gwen yn llawn cyffro.
En: exclaimed Gwen excitedly.

Cy: Heb feddwl dwywaith, rhedodd tu ôl i'r siâp.
En: Without thinking twice, she ran behind the figure.

Cy: Ond roedd hi'n camgymeriad doniol!
En: But it was a funny mistake!

Cy: Yn lle Rhys, dyma hi'n dilyn dafad gwyn sy'n crwydro'r strydoedd.
En: Instead of Rhys, she was following a wandering white sheep.

Cy: Cerddodd y dafad yn ei blaen am oriau, ac roedd Gwen yn dal i ddilyn, meddwl ei bod yn Rhys o hyd.
En: The sheep walked ahead for hours, and Gwen continued to follow, thinking it was still Rhys.

Cy: Croesodd y ddau bont a phasiodd lawntiau gwyrdd, ond roedd Rhys yn dal i fod ar goll.
En: They crossed two bridges and passed green fields, but Rhys was still missing.

Cy: O'r diwedd, yn flinedig ac anobeithiol, sefodd Gwen.
En: Finally, tired and disheartened, Gwen stopped.

Cy: Sylweddolodd ei bod wedi chwarae twp.
En: She realized that she had played a foolish trick.

Cy: Wrth syllu yn ofalus, gwelodd hi nad Rhys oedd hi wedi bod yn dilyn, ond dafad gyffredin.
En: As she looked carefully, she noticed that she had been following not Rhys, but a common sheep.

Cy: "O Dduw, beth dwi wedi'i wneud?
En: "Oh God, what have I done?"

Cy: " chwerthiniodd Gwen wrth iddi sylweddoli'r sefyllfa.
En: Gwen laughed as she realized the situation.

Cy: Penderfynodd eistedd ar glogwyn a meddwl am beth i'w wneud nesaf.
En: She decided to sit on a rock and think about what to do next.

Cy: Tra roedd Gwen yn meddwl, daeth ffrind arall ati, Eleri, a oedd yr un mor humerus ac ofalus â Gwen.
En: While Gwen was thinking, another friend, Eleri, who was just as humorous and careful as Gwen, came to her.

Cy: "Gwen," meddai Eleri, "Beth wyt ti'n ei wneud yma'n braf?
En: "Gwen," said Eleri, "What are you doing here so nicely?"

Cy: ""O, Eleri," atebodd Gwen, "Dw i wedi bod yn dilyn dafad drwy'r pentref yn meddwl ei fod yn Rhys!
En: "Oh, Eleri," Gwen replied, "I've been following a sheep through the village thinking it was Rhys!"

Cy: "Chwarddodd y ddwy â'u calonnau llawn hwyl.
En: Both of them burst into laughter.

Cy: Penderfynodd Eleri helpu Gwen i chwilio am Rhys.
En: Eleri decided to help Gwen look for Rhys.

Cy: Gyda’n gilydd maent yn teithio'n ôl i'r pentref wrth ymgasglu chwerthin a hwyl.
En: Together, they traveled back to the village while gathering laughter and fun.

Cy: A dyma nhw, ar ôl hanner awr o chwilio, yn gweld Rhys yn hedfan ei farcud ar y cae ger yr ysgol.
En: And there they were, after half an hour of searching, seeing Rhys riding his bike in the field near the school.

Cy: Roedd Rhys yn gwenu'n eang pan welodd ei ffrindiau.
En: Rhys smiled widely when he saw his friends.

Cy: "Ble roeddech chi?
En: "Where have you been?

Cy: Dw i wedi bod yma drwy'r bore!
En: I've been here all morning!"

Cy: " gwaeddodd Rhys.
En: shouted Rhys.

Cy: Esboniodd Gwen a Eleri yr antur i Rhys, a chwerthinodd pawb am yr helynt doniol.
En: Gwen and Eleri explained the adventure to Rhys, and everyone laughed about the funny incident.

Cy: Ar ddiwedd y dydd, roedd ganddyn nhw stori wych i'w hadrodd i bawb yn y pentref am y tro Gwen llynedd dilyn dafad yn lle Rhys drwy eiluniau Llanfairpwllgwyngyll.
En: At the end of the day, they had a great story to tell everyone in the village about the time Gwen followed a sheep instead of Rhys through the wonders of Llanfairpwllgwyngyll.

Cy: A dysgodd Gwen wers pwysig - bob amser gwirio cyn i chi redeg ar ôl ffrindiau - neu ddefaid - yn Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch!
En: And Gwen learned an important lesson - always check before chasing friends - or sheep - in Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch!

Vocabulary Words:
  • beautiful: braf
  • sunny: heulog
  • morning: bore
  • small: bychan
  • famous: henwog
  • village: pentref
  • energetic: llawn egni
  • walking: cerdded
  • winding: troellog
  • streets: strydoedd
  • looking: chwilio
  • friend: ffrind
  • supposed: dylai
  • meet: cyfarfod
  • well: ffynnon
  • shouted: gwaeddodd
  • response: ymateb
  • busy: prysur
  • scanning: sganio
  • surroundings: golygfeydd
  • figure: siâp
  • moving: symud
  • quickly: gyflym
  • historic: hanesyddol
  • building: adeilad
  • old: hen
  • church: eglwys
  • followed: dilyn
  • wandering: crwydro
  • sheep: dafad
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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