
Sheep Mayhem in the Long-Named Town!

3 de ene. de 2024 · 16m 5s
Sheep Mayhem in the Long-Named Town!

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 26s


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Sheep Mayhem in the Long-Named Town! Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Wrth i'r wawr dorri ar y pentref...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Sheep Mayhem in the Long-Named Town!
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Cy: Wrth i'r wawr dorri ar y pentref hir-enw Llanfair­pwll­gwyn­gyll­go­ger­y­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch, anadlodd Rhys yn ddwfn gan fwynhau'r awel oer.
En: As dawn broke over the famously long-named village of Llanfair­pwll­gwyn­gyll­go­ger­y­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch, Rhys took a deep breath, enjoying the cold wind.

Cy: Roedd awyr y bore yn llawn o alawon adar a sibrwd y coed.
En: The morning sky was full of bird songs and the trees whispered.

Cy: Ar yr un pryd, roedd Eira, y bugail ifanc, yn cyrraedd ei phorth i wirio ei defaid.
En: At the same time, Eira, the young shepherdess, reached her gate to check on her sheep.

Cy: Roedd hi'n bywiog ac yn llawn egni, cariad at ei hanifeiliaid yn disgleirio yn ei llygaid glas.
En: She was lively and full of energy, her love for her animals shining in her blue eyes.

Cy: Rhys, niwedydd y pentref, oedd ar antur.
En: Rhys, the village journalist, was on an adventure.

Cy: Roedd eisiau gweld y byd, ond doedd dim disgwyl iddo gael ei antur gyntaf mor agos i'w gartref.
En: He wanted to see the world, but he didn't expect his first adventure to be so close to home.

Cy: Yn crwydro'r pentref, heb wylio ble roedd yn mynd, camodd Rhys drwy giat agored ac i mewn i gae Eira heb sylweddoli.
En: Wandering through the village without watching where he was going, Rhys stepped through an open gate and into Eira's field without realizing.

Cy: Cyn gynted ag y camodd Rhys i mewn, sylweddolodd ei gamgymeriad.
En: As soon as Rhys stepped in, he realized his mistake.

Cy: Roedd ef yng nghanol pentwr o ddefaid lliwgar, pob un yn edrych arno gyda chwilfrydedd.
En: He found himself in the middle of a flock of colorful sheep, each one looking at him with curiosity.

Cy: Doedd Rhys ddim yn gyfarwydd â defaid, ac yn bendant doedd e ddim yn gwybod sut i ymdopi â hwy.
En: Rhys was not familiar with sheep, and he certainly didn't know how to deal with them.

Cy: Dechreuodd un dafad yn gwisgo cloch, y dafad alffa, bwrw ei phen a bwrw'i coesau.
En: One sheep started wearing a bell, the alpha sheep, shaking its head and kicking its legs.

Cy: Gyda hynny, fel petai ar signal, dechreuodd y gweddill o'r praidd redeg tuag at Rhys.
En: With that, as if on cue, the rest of the flock started running towards Rhys.

Cy: Rhedodd Rhys o gwmpas y cae, defaid ar ôl ei sodlau, yn ceisio dod o hyd i ffordd allan.
En: Rhys ran around the field, sheep at his heels, trying to find a way out.

Cy: Ond fel yng nghanol breuddwyd ryfedd, roedd pob troad yn mynd â fe nôl i ganol y dorf.
En: But as in the middle of a strange dream, every turn took him back to the middle of the herd.

Cy: O bellter, gwelodd Eira beth oedd yn digwydd.
En: From a distance, Eira saw what was happening.

Cy: Gyda smil yn ei cheg a sgil bugail yn ei llaw, nesodd hi at y prysurdeb.
En: With a smile on her face and a shepherd's crook in her hand, she approached the commotion.

Cy: "Dewch, Rhys!
En: "Come on, Rhys!"

Cy: " galwodd hi, ond roedd Rhys mor wolli ei ben mewn panig nes ei fod bron â cholli ei synnwyr cyfeiriad.
En: she called, but Rhys was so lost in panic that he was almost losing his sense of direction.

Cy: Eira, gyda'i chwibanad, a'i hochr dawel, llwyddodd i dawelydd y defaid, gan greu llwybr i Rhys.
En: Eira, with her whistle and quiet coaxing, managed to gather the sheep, creating a path for Rhys.

Cy: Gan ddefnyddio ei gwybodaeth o anifeiliaid a'i phrofiad ar y fferm, dargyfeiriodd Eira'r dorf, gan roi cyfle i Rhys ddianc o'r penbleth.
En: Using her knowledge of animals and her experience on the farm, Eira redirected the flock, giving Rhys a chance to escape the predicament.

Cy: Rhys, wedi blino a llawn diolch, trodd at Eira.
En: Rhys, tired and grateful, turned to Eira.

Cy: "Diolch i ti, Eira," ebe fe, "Rhys ddim yn gwybod beth i wneud heb dy gymorth.
En: "Thank you, Eira," he said, "Rhys wouldn't know what to do without your help."

Cy: "Chwarddodd Eira, yr awel yn chwarae trwy ei gwallt.
En: Eira chuckled, the wind playing through her hair.

Cy: "Dim problem, Rhys.
En: "No problem, Rhys.

Cy: Ond cofia edrych i ble rwyt ti'n mynd y tro nesaf!
En: But remember to look where you're going next time!"

Cy: "Wrth i Rhys adael y cae, gydag Eira yn ei gyfeiliorni, roedd gwers wedi'i ddysgu.
En: As Rhys left the field, with Eira by his side, a lesson had been learned.

Cy: Peidiwch byth â chamu i mewn i gae heb wybod yn iawn lle rydych chi, a bod hyd yn oed y pentref llawn enw hiraf efallai'n dal anturiaethau bach yn ei greddfau.
En: Never enter a field without knowing where you are, and even the village with the longest name might still hold little adventures in its folds.

Cy: A dyna sut daeth y dydd i ben yn Llanfair­pwll­gwyn­gyll­go­ger­y­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch, gyda Rhys a Eira yn rhannu chwerthin da am yr hyn ddigwyddodd, a phob un yn fwy doeth o'r profiad.
En: And that's how the day ended in Llanfair­pwll­gwyn­gyll­go­ger­y­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch, with Rhys and Eira sharing a good laugh about what happened, and each wiser from the experience.

Vocabulary Words:
  • dawn: drosedd
  • break: torri
  • famously: enwog
  • long-named: hir-enw
  • village: pentref
  • Rhys: Rhys
  • deep: ddwfn
  • breath: anheddiad
  • enjoying: fwynhau
  • cold: oer
  • wind: awel
  • morning: bore
  • sky: awyr
  • full: llawn
  • bird: adar
  • songs: alawon
  • trees: coed
  • whispered: sibrwd
  • shepherdess: bugail
  • reached: cyrraedd
  • gate: porth
  • check: wirio
  • sheep: defaid
  • lively: bywiog
  • energy: egni
  • love: cariad
  • animals: hanifeiliaid
  • shining: disgleirio
  • blue: las
  • eyes: llygaid
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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