SO EP:513 Sasquatch Unleashed

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SO EP:513 Sasquatch Unleashed
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Brian joins the hosts of the Unrold Radio Show, Doug and Alex to discuss his lifelong fascination with Sasquatch and the unexplained. From his eerie childhood encounter in Northwestern Georgia...
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00:00 Introduction to Brian King Sharp 01:29 Brian's Childhood Encounter 02:11 Experiences on His Property 05:06 The Mystery of Wood Knocks 09:18 Vocalizations and Strange Sounds 16:38 The Scientific Community and Bigfoot 28:23 The Evolution of Bigfoot Descriptions 43:04 Personal Reflections and Community 46:23 Hilarious Esteban Sarto Impression 47:16 Bigfoot's Potent Smell: Environmental or Glandular? 50:41 Eyewitness Accounts and Bigfoot Behavior 53:24 Dermal Ridges and Bigfoot Evidence 01:02:40 Bigfoot's Hygiene and Parasite Defense 01:08:53 Mysterious Lights and Paranormal Experiences 01:21:43 Writing the Bigfoot Book: Motivation and Content 01:27:09 Memorable Bigfoot Encounters
Autor | Paranormal World Productions |
Organización | Sasquatch Odyssey |
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