Special Episode: The Jesus Metaverse Featuring Gabriel Rymberg and Gary Tonge

9 de jul. de 2022 · 2h 1m 17s
Special Episode: The Jesus Metaverse Featuring Gabriel Rymberg and Gary Tonge

This week we have a special episode highlighting a new project called The Jesus Metaverse. It is being designed and developed by Gabriel Rymberg, Gary Tonge, and others dedicated to...

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This week we have a special episode highlighting a new project called The Jesus Metaverse. It is being designed and developed by Gabriel Rymberg, Gary Tonge, and others dedicated to illuminating the life and teachings of Jesus, as revealed in The Urantia Book. If you want to hear about how the “good news” of the life and teachings of Jesus as portrayed in the Urantia revelation, is being brilliantly illuminated by The Jesus Metaverse, you will want to tune in. Our guest, Gabriel Rymberg lives in Irael. He was the chief translator on the Hebrew Urantia Book and is a tireless toiler for the benefit of the Urantia Book and for Jesus. Our other guest, Gary Tonge, lives in British Columbia. He is the extraordinary and beloved artist whose images of the Urantia based cosmos are being used all over the Internet.  Gary and Gabriel are building the Jesus Metaverse to share Jesus with billions around the world. We will also have others who will join in the conversation that are also equally dedicated to this project. Please tune in to learn all about this amazing effort and also learn about the Jesus Museum on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, that is being planned in conjunction with the Jesus Metaverse. Learn how you can be a part of this unprecedented effort and be instrumental in sharing Jesus with the world! Give now ❤️ to the Jesus Metaverse
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Autor Paula Thompson
Organización Paula Thompson
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