St Patrick’s Day 2019

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Boston’s 118th St. Patrick’s Day Parade begins this Sunday at 1 p.m. If you’re planning on joining the crowds, here are some suggestions for how to make the most of...
mostra másWoody Guthrie wrote "This land is your land" in February 1940, he was 27 years old, sitting in his room in a fleabag hotel in midtown Manhattan called Hanover House. "This Land Is Your Land," Guthrie added a line at the bottom: "All you can write is what you see." He wanted to sing the truth — and in fact, his song was a rebuttal to another one. Kate Smith's version of Irving Berlin's "God Bless America" was on jukeboxes and radio everywhere during Guthrie's journey across the country. He, apparently, hated it. NPR
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Organización | bostonred |
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