St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary presents Theology Today - Spiritual Husbands-Spiritual Fathers (October 13, 2020)

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St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary is delighted to invite you to their bi-annual Theology Today seminar, offered free to the public. The discussion will include the Bishops and Editors,...
mostra másHere’s what some Church leaders have had to say about the book:
“This book is truly a treasure chest of formation and inspirational articles and essays not only for priests, seminarians and their spiritual directors and formators, but for all Catholics who love the Church and are seeking inspiration and practical counsel for their own personal growth in holiness.” – Alicia G. Goodwin, M.A.T.S., President, Our Lady of Divine Providence House of Prayer®
“Spiritual Husbands – Spiritual Fathers is a profound contribution to the Church and should be priority reading for all bishops as essential ongoing episcopal formation! This collection of resources, edited by Bishop Estévez and Bishop Cozzens, provides an essential presentation of celibacy and a practical guide for all who are entrusted with the work of seminary formation.” – Bishop Joseph Hanefeldt, Diocese of Grand Island, Nebraska.
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