Stormy Secrets: Salt, Skincare, and Unexpected Friendships
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Stormy Secrets: Salt, Skincare, and Unexpected Friendships
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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Stormy Secrets: Salt, Skincare, and Unexpected Friendships Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Jesenski oblaki so se zbirali nad...
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Jesenski oblaki so se zbirali nad Sečoveljskimi solinami, obarvali so nebo v temne odtenke sive.
En: Autumn clouds gathered above the Sečovelj salt pans, turning the sky into dark shades of gray.
Sl: Listje je počasi odpihovalo veter in Zala, navdušena kulinarična blogerka, je zvedavo stopala po poti solin.
En: The wind slowly blew away the leaves, and Zala, an enthusiastic culinary blogger, walked eagerly along the path of the salt pans.
Sl: Tukaj je iskala nekaj posebnega – ročno pridelano sol.
En: She was looking for something special here—handcrafted salt.
Sl: Nameravala je s to soljo dodati pikantnost njenemu naslednjemu članku.
En: She intended to use this salt to add a kick to her next article.
Sl: V bližini je stal Matej, vodnik v parku.
En: Nearby stood Matej, a guide in the park.
Sl: Njegova znanja o lokalnih izdelkih so bila neprecenljiva.
En: His knowledge of local products was invaluable.
Sl: A danes je imel še nekaj drugega v mislih – želel je kupiti izdelek za nego kože, a pri tem ostati neopažen.
En: But today, he had something else on his mind—he wanted to buy a skincare product, but remain unnoticed.
Sl: Kljub svoji strasti do kozmetike, je o tem raje molčal.
En: Despite his passion for cosmetics, he preferred to keep it to himself.
Sl: Zala je opazila Mateja in se odločila, da ga prosi za pomoč.
En: Zala noticed Matej and decided to ask him for help.
Sl: "Pozdravljen!
En: "Hello!
Sl: Ali veš, kje bi našla najbolje ročno pridelano sol?
En: Do you know where I could find the best handcrafted salt?"
Sl: " je Zala vprašala z iskrivostjo v očeh.
En: Zala asked with a twinkle in her eye.
Sl: Matej je sebično pomislil, da morda od Zale ne bo imel miru za svoje nakupe.
En: Matej selfishly thought he might not have peace from Zala for his shopping.
Sl: A vendar je prevladalo njegovo razumevanje.
En: Yet, his understanding prevailed.
Sl: "Seveda, pridi, razložil ti bom, katere soline imajo najboljšo ponudbo," je rekel.
En: "Of course, come, I'll explain which salt pans offer the best selection," he said.
Sl: Peljala sta se po ozki poti, medtem ko je veter naraščal.
En: They traveled along a narrow path as the wind increased.
Sl: Matej je Zali razlagal o različnih vrstah soli, njihovi barvi in uporabi.
En: Matej explained to Zala about the different types of salt, their colors, and uses.
Sl: Ko sta se ustavila v trgovini parka, se je nevihta okrepila.
En: When they stopped at the park shop, the storm intensified.
Sl: Trgovina je bila polna zanimivih izdelkov.
En: The shop was full of interesting products.
Sl: Zala je bila navdušena nad različnimi vrstami soli, ki so bile na voljo.
En: Zala was excited about the different types of salt available.
Sl: Medtem pa je Matej diskretno iskal svoj izdelek za kožo.
En: Meanwhile, Matej discreetly searched for his skincare product.
Sl: V istem trenutku pa so se oblaki pretrgali in dež je začel padati.
En: At that moment, the clouds broke, and rain began to fall.
Sl: Trgovka je hitela zapirati trgovino in jih hotela opozoriti.
En: The shopkeeper hurried to close the shop and wanted to warn them.
Sl: "Moramo zapreti, prihaja neurje!
En: "We have to close, a storm is coming!"
Sl: "Zala in Matej sta hitro stopila v akcijo.
En: Zala and Matej quickly sprang into action.
Sl: S skupnimi močmi sta pomagala zavarovati izdelke v trgovini.
En: Together, they helped secure the products in the shop.
Sl: Zala je Mateju hvaležno pomagala izbrati in kupiti izdelek za kožo preden so se vrata zaprla.
En: Zala gratefully helped Matej choose and purchase a skincare product before the doors closed.
Sl: Ko se je nevihte umirilo, sta Zala s svojo dragoceno pridobitvijo in Matej z izdelkom v žepu stopila iz trgovine.
En: As the storm calmed, both Zala with her precious acquisition and Matej with the product in his pocket stepped out of the shop.
Sl: Oba sta se nasmehnila ob izkušnji.
En: Both smiled at the experience.
Sl: Zala je cenila Matejevo pomoč in se zavedala pomena sodelovanja, Matej pa je zbral pogum, da z drugimi deli svoje zanimanje.
En: Zala appreciated Matej's assistance and understood the importance of collaboration, while Matej gathered the courage to share his interest with others.
Sl: Hodila sta po poti solin, veter je še vedno lahno mršil njune lase.
En: They walked along the path of the salt pans, the wind still gently ruffling their hair.
Sl: Kljub nenadnemu dežju sta oba našla, kar sta iskala, in pridobila nekaj novega – prijateljstvo, ki ga nista pričakovala.
En: Despite the sudden rain, both found what they were looking for and gained something new—a friendship they did not expect.
Vocabulary Words:
- gathered: zbirali
- handcrafted: ročno pridelano
- culinary: kulinarična
- valuable: dragoceno
- skincare: nega kože
- precious: dragocen
- secure: zavarovati
- path: poti
- unnoticed: neopažen
- intended: nameravala
- knowledge: znanja
- prevail: prevladalo
- eagerly: zvedavo
- whisper: šepetati
- intensified: okrepila
- shopkeeper: trgovka
- warn: opozoriti
- enthusiastic: navdušena
- discreetly: diskretno
- gently: lahno
- explain: razložil
- product: izdelek
- purchase: kupiti
- collaboration: sodelovanja
- twinkle: iskrivost
- selfishly: sebično
- cosmetics: kozmetika
- unforeseen: nepričakovano
- acquisition: pridobitev
- courage: pogum
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Organización | Kameron Kilchrist |
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