Sweep Your Porch: Stop Waiting for Change and Start Taking Action

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Sweep Your Porch: Stop Waiting for Change and Start Taking Action
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In this hard-hitting episode of the Hump Day Motivational Show, Brandon L. Draper pulls no punches as he dives into the aftermath of the recent presidential election, addressing the real...
mostra másAre you more focused on the White House than your own house? Brandon challenges listeners to stop making excuses and start taking ownership of their lives and businesses.
From understanding how small Black-owned and underserved businesses can stay competitive in an ever-changing digital landscape, to practical, no-nonsense steps for leveling up your mindset, skills, and network, this episode is packed with humor, truth, and actionable advice.
Whether you’re stuck in survival mode, hustling without direction, or just looking for that push to get back on track, this episode is the wake-up call you didn’t know you needed. Remember: excuses don’t pay bills—action does.Tune in for laughs, insight, and the kind of motivation that gets results.
Autor | Serebro Studios Inc |
Organización | Serebro Studios Inc. |
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