Tales from the Road: The Abandoned Zoo Story by Jack Townsend (2/3)

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Tales from the Road: The Abandoned Zoo Story by Jack Townsend (2/3)
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More? More. Always more. 🖋️ The Author: https://www.gasstationjack.com/home 📹 Video!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZLUXtiQD5k 📖 Read Along!: https://www.gasstationjack.com/post/bones Check out my new books! A collection of Creepypasta compiled by some of my all...
mostra más🖋️ The Author: https://www.gasstationjack.com/home
📹 Video!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZLUXtiQD5k
📖 Read Along!: https://www.gasstationjack.com/post/bones
Check out my new books! A collection of Creepypasta compiled by some of my all time favorite authors and friends!
💀 Volume 1: http://a.co/iNqTwRZ
💀 Volume 2: http://a.co/i0O9zks
💀 Comic Book: http://a.co/2POGdNW
🧊 Chill with the Community!: https://www.thechillingapp.com/
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